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Cap-Chur Dart Gun (NITRIDE)
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Cap-Chur Dart Gun (NITRIDE)
0 Reviews
Our Price: $720.00

Product Code: 114800

Dart Gun Options:

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Allows medication of hard to handle animals or those in remote locations with ease.

The dart is filled using a disposable syringe and a 19 guage x 1-1/2" needle, as the 19ga needle needs to slip inside the needle on the dart in order to fill the dart. The dart needs to be completely filled with fluid in order to fly stabilized. If using a 10cc dart and only need 8cc's of medication, fill the dart the remainder of the way with sterile water.

After the dart is filled, it goes needle first into the barrel of the gun. The insert then gets screwed onto the barrel. In the back of the insert is where the #2 powerload goes. The powerload is a blank 22 charge.

The dart gun will then be ready for use! The gun is sighted in for 20 yards. Gun should be cleaned after every 5-6 shots, and it's best if cleaned after every use. The cleaner the rifle is, the better it will shoot.


Kit Includes:
-Dart Gun Blued
-Gun Case
- Bore Snake
- Cap-Chur Loads Brown (50)
- Cap-Chur Darts (15 darts) 10 cc
- Hoppe's Solvent
- 19 ga x 1 1/2" Needle
- 12 cc Disposable Syringe

Dart Gun Case
Dart Gun Case
Our Price: $32.00
Dart Gun Bore Snake
Dart Gun Bore Snake
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